Candida or Candidiasis

The healthy gut contains both yeast (Candida) and micro-flora (responsible for nutrient uptake) that are in balance with one another. There are many strains of yeast that live in the digestive tract including Candida, which appears to be the most common. Occasionally, these systems can get out of balance and an over-growth of Candida (some call bad bacteria) can occur which is generally referred to as Candidiasis.

When you have an overgrowth of Candida it can interfere with absorption of your nutrients. If you feel you have a problem with Candida, don’t worry. There are ways to get it under control, and to make sure you replace it with micro-flora (good bacteria). All you need are 2 things. The first is an anti-fungal to destroy the excess Candida. Then you will need a probiotic to replenish the micro-flora in your digestive system.

We suggest using Truehope Olive Leaf Extract and Truehope GreenBAC.
Continue reading to learn more about these products or click here to learn about the Gut-Brain connection.

Click here to fill out our Candida Questionnaire and see how likely you are to have Candida.

GreenBAC is a rich blend of bacteria, prebiotics, botanicals, algae, enzymes and ingredients designed to maintain and promote a healthy digestive system. This combination of super foods and bacteria creates a powerful regulating effect and helps promote healthy bowel function.

Olive Leaf Extract is a natural extract from the olive leaf, standardized to 17% Oleuropein. The effects of Oleuropein are well-known to boost immune system and bowel function by reducing yeast and other pathogens from the body.