What is Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder (or Manic-Depressive Illness) is a mental illness that is characterized by unusual mood, energy and activity level shifts.

Bipolar disorder is generally found in family lines. Some research shows that some with specific genetic traits are more likely to develop bipolar disorder. This is why children of a bipolar parent (or a brother or sister of one with bipolar disorder) are far more likely to develop it. Fortunately, most with bipolar disorder in their family histories will not develop it.

Symptoms are usually intense, and greatly differ from the normal ups and downs of life.

Sufferers experience heightened emotional states that are drastic compared to their usual state. These can last during specific periods of time, called "mood episodes." When they are really happy or overexcited, it is said that they are experiencing a "manic episode." When they are very sad or depressed, they are experiencing a "depressive episode." Sometimes, they may exhibit tendencies of both moods, or have a "mixed state" For example, they may feel depressed while also feeling extremely energized.

Mood episodes are often accompanied by drastic changes in mood, energy and behavioral states:

Manic Episodes Include:

Depressive Episodes Include:

Mood Changes

  • Feeling "high," overly happy or outgoing
  • Irritability

Behavioral Changes

  • Fast talking, shifting from one idea to another, racing thoughts
  • Easily distracted
  • Over-enthusiasm to take on new projects
  • Restlessness; sleeping little or insomnia
  • Holding illogical beliefs in one's abilities or having high-risk behaviors
  • Impulsiveness
Mood Changes

  • Feeling sad or hopeless for extended periods of time
  • Disinterest in activities once enjoyed, including sex.

Behavioral Changes

  • Feeling tired
  • Difficulty concentrating, remembering, and making decisions
  • Restlessness
  • Irritability
  • Changes in eating, sleeping, or other habits
  • Thinking of (or even attempting) suicide

Swings: Even when mood swings are less extreme, bipolar disorder can be manifesting. For instance, bipolar disorder sufferers may feel well, are highly productive and functioning well. Although the person may feel that everything is fine, family and friends can sense the mood swings. This state is called "hypomania," a less severe form of mania. Those with hypomania must receive proper treatment, or else they may develop severe mania or depression.

Psychotic Symptoms: Sufferers may also exhibit psychotic symptoms that tend to reflect their mood, like hallucinations or delusions. For instance, those experiencing a manic episode may believe they are a famous person, are rich or have superpowers. Those with a depressive episode may believe they are hopelessly poor, or are a criminal. This explains why some with bipolar disorder are sometimes misdiagnosed with schizophrenia.

Substance Abuse: Those with bipolar disorder may also abuse alcohol or drugs, have trouble with relationships, or have school or work performance issues. It's often hard to recognize these symptoms as signs of a bipolar disorder.

Duration: Manic and depressive symptoms usually manifest for the duration of the person's life. Between episodes, sufferers can display little or no symptoms, while others may have lingering symptoms.

Although there are many effective ways to obtain relief, many former bipolar disorder sufferers now live a life free of bipolar disorder. Others have embraced solutions which enhance their ability to manage their condition.

If you feel pharmaceuticals aren't for you, EMPowerplus, combined with other healthy lifestyle changes, may be the answer. Learn more about how EMPowerplus can help by clicking here.

See How Josh Beat Bipolar Disorder

"Now that I'm on EMPower, I feel like I can actually focus and concentrate on things. I feel like there's more balance in my emotions. Completely. Like I don't feel really high or really low; I just feel at peace. I have hope for the future. I feel like I can continue on with my life. And it's a good feeling."

How EMPowerplus Helps

If you are one of millions of people who prefer natural options over pharmaceutical medications, Truehope EMPowerplus could be the answer you have been searching for.

If you suffer from symptoms of a mental illness or a mood disorder and you want to address the cause effectively rather than "cover up" the symptoms with medication, Truehope EMPowerplus can help.

Made up of 36 clinically proven vitamins, minerals, amino acids and anti-oxidants, Truehope EMPowerplus is scientifically proven to effectively help with bipolar disorder.

Extensive independent research shows that when the body and brain are provided with the essential nutrients found in EMPowerplus, they are able to function properly—often negating signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder. Don't be fooled by imitations—only Truehope EMPowerplus contains these nutrients in a microground form so the body can actually absorb them into the bloodstream.

Since the symptoms of bipolar disorder are caused by chemical issues in the brain, why treat your condition with more chemicals? Try EMPowerplus today to see for yourself how nature can work in harmony with your body to help you feel like your best self.

Click here to learn more about the Truehope Program and how micronutrients can help.

Get on the natural path to wellnes by ordering today

Bipolar Clinical Research