ASD is a a scope of complex neurodevelopment issue conditions, exhibited by social problems, communication challenges and confined, repetitious behavioral patterns. ASD sufferers differ from others in terms of their communication, interaction, behaviors and learning patterns. The severity of this disorder can range from severe to very mild. Some who have received this diagnosis are even gifted. Some need considerable assistance with living their lives, while others require less attention.
One thing is for sure: ASD shows up in all ages, ethnicities and socioeconomic groups. The proportion of children with autism grows every year. Male ASD sufferers surpass females by 4 to 1.
ASD's characteristics include:
"Spectrum" disorders are those in which various symptoms, skills and degrees of impairment or disability are present. At one end of the spectrum, there's only mild impairment. On the other end, a sufferer may be severely impaired.
Those with ASD find it difficult to interact with others socially, often lacking inadequate emotional and communication skills. Maybe they will repeat certain behaviors or will stick with certain daily activities. They may have non-traditional ways to learn, pay attention or react to stimuli.
Three areas in which ASD sufferers find challenges include:
They may also display:
There are no medical tests to diagnose ASD. Instead, medical or mental health providers must examine the person's behavior and development.
Luckily, a diagnosis can be made as early as 18 months and younger. In fact, diagnoses made by age two are considered reliable. Unfortunately, some kids don't receive an official diagnosis until they are older, meaning delayed diagnoses are not uncommon, and may deny kids teh early treatment they need.
There are two steps involved in reaching a diagnosis:
If you suspect your child may have ASD, act now. Contact their doctor. Relay your observations to them. The sooner intervention can happen, the sooner they can get help.
Also, highly consider contacting your state’s public early childhood program. Request a free evaluation to determine if your child qualifies for special intervention services (like a "Child Find" evaluation). These do not require a medical professional’s referral or diagnosis.
For more help, contact the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (919-962-2001) or visit
The good news is, ASD can respond to some forms of treatment. Many ASD sufferers are no longer inhibited by their condition.
If you'd like to try something other than pharmaceuticals, EMPowerplus (combined with other healthy lifestyle changes) may help.
Click here to learn more about the Truehope Program and how micronutrients can help.
This news report details how scientists are finding that better nutrition -- and the use of Truehope EMPowerplus -- can improve mood, leads to less irritability and less self-injurious behavior. The expert interviewed in this report is Bonnie J. Kaplan, PhD -- a Professor in the Faculty of Medicine (Department of Paediatrics, Department of Community Health Sciences) at the University of Calgary, in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
If you are one of millions of people who prefers natural options over pharmaceutical medications, Truehope could be the answer you have been searching for.
If you or your child suffer from autism and you want to address the cause effectively rather than "cover up" the symptoms with medication, Truehope EMPowerplus can help.
Made up of 36 clinically proven vitamins, minerals, amino acids and anti-oxidants, Truehope's EMPowerplus could help with your autism.
Extensive independent research shows that when the body and brain are provided with the essential nutrients found in EMPowerplus, they are able to function properly—often negating the signs and symptoms of autism. Don't be fooled by imitations—only Truehope EMPowerplus contains these nutrients in a microground form so the body can easily absorb them into the bloodstream.
Since the symptoms of autism are caused by chemical issues in the brain, why treat your autism with more chemicals? Try EMPowerplus today to see for yourself how nature can work in harmony with your body to help you feel like your best self.
Read below to learn more about the effectiveness of this amazing natural option.